Message from the President – Our 45th Anniversary!

2024 President's Message

The Caribbean Association of Adventists in Alberta (CAAA), is excited to be celebrating its 45th anniversary this upcoming Labour Day weekend. This year, the annual family retreat will be held from August 30-September 2, 2024, under the theme “We’ve Come This Far, Press On”, at the Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre, Bowden, Alberta. We are privileged to have Dr. Ainsworth Keith Morris as our guest speaker, coming to us from the Northeastern Conference of the USA.

CAAA began in Central Alberta, in 1978, by a few immigrant families who had made Alberta their new home. Since Caribbean families were few and far between in those days, the newcomers came together to worship, socialize, form friendships and keep their Caribbean culture and heritage alive for their children. Soon after, the organization was registered in 1979, and continues to be supported by families both near and far.

As the population of Caribbean families in Alberta grew, CAAA structured to form chapters in the North, Central and South areas of the province. While the organization is run by folks from the Caribbean, attendance at its events is open to all nationalities. We welcome opportunities to showcase and educate others on our Spiritual values and Caribbean delights.

Over the years CAAA has sponsored several events including the annual family retreat, gospel extravaganzas, business extravaganzas, praise and thanksgiving celebration, dominoes and ludi games competition, and participated in the Alberta Conference food fair. By God’s grace and the generosity of several donors, we disbursed scholarships to worthy high school and post-secondary students.

We invite you to join us on Sabbath August 31st, for a wonderful celebration. Better yet, we have lots of cabins available so feel free to come for the entire weekend as we celebrate 45 years of togetherness. Your registration fee covers accommodation, seven delicious Caribbean vegetarian meals, timely sermons, socials, sports day, and concert; activities for the young, old and everyone in between.

For more information please contact our area presidents Ceri in the North at, Dean in Central at  or Tasha-Gaye in the South at

Follow our social media pages, Instagram: @mycaaa_official, and Caribbean Adventists on Facebook for up-to-date information. We look forward to hearing from you. 

We look forward to celebrating our special 45th anniversary with you. Save the date!

God bless.

Sharon Long, President, CAAA