CAAA MEMBERSPosition Descriptions

The Caribbean Association of Adventists in Alberta (CAAA) aims to foster, maintain and promote the cultural characteristics of Caribbean people while adhering to the principles of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

We welcome people of all ethnicities and cultural backgrounds to our annual Family Retreat, as well as other activities hosted during the year, such as the Gospel concert and Business Extravaganza.

We were unable to conduct elections due to the current state of the nation in 2021. Presently the following positions are vacant at the Executive level:


If you have the required skill set and/or know of someone who does, please contact us at 

The Position Description outlines expectations and provides a listing of positions within CAAA including the title, role summary, duties, responsibilities and skill set required to fulfill the position.

These are voluntary positions held by individuals within the organization. The Position Description also serves to inform potential candidates who wish to be nominated for a position during an election year at the annual general meeting. Elections are held bi-annually and the positions are held for a two year term.

All CAAA Executive Members are required to:

  • attend and productively participate in all telephone and face to face meetings, and respond to email communications in a timely manner.
  • attend CAAA Family Camp by 11:00am on the Friday of the Annual Family Retreat to assist with set up/preparation for the weekend.
  • be available and willing to participate in the Annual Family Retreat and other CAAA sponsored activities as needed.
  • Incumbents must demonstrate the following:
  • be of good and regular standing in their local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • be Spiritually grounded.
  • effective use of verbal and written communication skills and proficient with computer usage.


POSITION SUMMARY: The President is the Chief Officer and shall work in the best interest of the CAAA. The President shall provide leadership and attend to the strategic, and administrative operations of the CAAA. The President shall schedule and chair face to face and other meetings of the Executive Committee as required.


  • calls a meeting of the Executive Committee immediately upon appointment
  • establishes face to face and teleconference meeting schedule
  • secures a facility for face to face meetings
  • sets agenda for meetings in collaboration with the secretary
  • chairs meetings
  • reviews draft minutes
  • supports Area Presidents and other Executive Committee members, as required
  • represents CAAA at community events where appropriate
  • works collaboratively with the Executive Committee to plan the Annual Family Retreat at Foothills Camp
  • ensures the delivery of programs and services that support the mission and values of the CAAA
  • ensures fiscal management of the CAAA funds by working closely with the treasurer
  • liaises with CAAA ad hoc committees as needed
  • liaises with the Alberta Conference of SDA Churches and provide information about the CAAA
  • works collaboratively with the Alberta Conference of SDA Churches to secure speakers for the CAAA annual family camp
  • holds the Executive Committee accountable for decisions made
  • chairs the annual general meeting at the Annual Family Retreat
  • ensures that a chairperson is in place for the election process at the annual general meeting
  • provides a report at the annual general meeting
  • recommends new roles and/or strategies to the CAAA body at the annual general meeting
  • other related duties as required


  • excellent communicator
  • highly organized
  • active listener
  • can chair meetings and manage large groups of people
  • leadership qualities
  • big picture thinker
  • public speaker
  • patient and can remain calm while under pressure


POSITION SUMMARY: The treasurer is to receive and disburse all CAAA funds in harmony with the actions of the Executive Committee, and to render financial statements at regular intervals as may be required by the president or the Executive Committee. Bank accounts approved by the Executive Committee shall be operated by the treasurer. Disbursements of funds shall bear at least two signatures. One being that of the treasurer and the other as authorized by the Executive Committee.


  • collects funds for family retreat
  • assigns rooms for family retreat
  • signs all cheques along with a second signer
  • makes travel arrangements for all invited guests
  • counts the offerings, registration fees and other funds collected for the camp weekend and other events
  • at the end of the family retreat, meets with the Alberta Conference of SDA Churches to settle accounts and ensure a deposit is made for the following year
  • ensures all expenditures are processed in a timely manner
  • deposits funds in the bank account accordingly
  • keeps a running record of income and expenses
  • arranges for periodic auditing of finical records


  • Some accounting skills required.
  • People skills


POSITION SUMMARY: As the record keeper, the Secretary takes minutes at the Executive Committee, annual general meetings and teleconferences. Copies of minutes are provided to all members of the Executive Committee. The Secretary ensures copies of meetings are filed so that historical decisions are easily accessed as required.


  • takes minutes of the Executive Committee, annual general meetings and teleconferences
  • forwards draft minutes to the president for review and approval
  • sends copies of approved minutes to all members of the Executive
  • informs the Executive of scheduled teleconference meetings and call in numbers
  • sends out reminders of face to face and teleconference meetings
  • confirms room for face to face meeting
  • sends meeting agenda to Executive members
  • provides a report at the annual general meeting
  • assists with registration at Annual Family Retreat
  • assists in compiling gift/token bags for registered campers
  • assists the treasurer with the counting of the offerings, registration fees and other funds collected for the camp weekend
  • other related duties


  • good organizational skills
  • accuracy and good listening skills for taking notes
  • effective communication skills in the areas of verbal, written and computer usage
  • good time management
  • self-motivated/independent


POSITION SUMMARY: The Chaplain is to care for the Spiritual needs of CAAA, to conduct religious services when needed, and to lead out in the arranging for the Spiritual aspects of the Annual Family Retreat, including contacting potential speakers. The Chaplain helps the association to pursue and achieve its Spiritual mandate and gives Spiritual guidance and counsel to the executive committee.


  • plans and executes devotions for Executive Committee meeting
  • communicates with prospective speakers for the Association’s Annual Family Retreat
  • once the speaker is confirmed, the chaplain is the main point of contact for the association in all communications with the speaker
  • coordinates the divine service program during the Annual Family Retreat
  • provides Spiritual support to the Executive members
  • ensures that the Association operates within the doctrines, teachings and guidelines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • reports to the Executive members of the Association on matters of Spiritual implications for the Association


  • A Pastor employed by the Alberta Conference of SDA Churches
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Should possess good problem-solving skills
  • Should have experience and skill in conflict resolution

Chapter President:

POSITION SUMMARY: The chapter presidents (North, Central and South chapters) are to promote the CAAA in their local chapters and are responsible for managing registrations for the Annual Family Retreat. Chapter presidents may elect local committee members as required.


  • promotes the CAAA in designated chapter
  • promotes the Annual Family Retreat and coordinate registration with identified churches in their local area and/or identify a point person to do the same on their behalf
  • submits completed camp registration forms with payment to the Treasurer for room/ cabin assignment
  • coordinates programming at the Annual Family Retreat as assigned
  • promotes, assists and attends all CAAA events to support its success
  • disseminates information to constituents
  • works with other Executive members and/or other CAAA community members to plan, promote and execute events and activities within the local area
  • may be assigned as a second account holder for the CAAA bank account, which includes signing checks and attending to financial matters in the absence of the Treasurer or as required
  • networks with other organizations where appropriate


  • public speaking
  • people skills
  • engaging personality

Audio-Visual Director & Assistant Audio-Visual Directors:

POSITION SUMMARY: The audio-visual director coordinates and manages the technical requirements to ensure the smooth running of equipment for the Annual Family Retreat. This includes, but is not limited to, the sound system, microphones, recordings such as video and audio, duplicating system and laptops. The assistant audio-visual directors work collaboratively with the audio-visual director to ensure the technical needs are met at the Annual Family Retreat.


  • coordinates with Foothills Camp regarding available audio and visual equipment for the Annual Family Retreat
  • rents all necessary equipment with approval from the Executive Committee
  • ensures proper setup, operation and disassembling of equipment during and following the Annual Family Retreat
  • collaborates with CAAA Communications to ensure media requirements are met
  • collaborates with the music director tor to ensure lyrics and other media requirements are available as required
  • completes audio and video recording where appropriate
  • coordinates all media requirements for CAAA events
  • disseminates all relevant information to the audio-visual team
  • delegates specific job responsibilities to the audio-visual as needed


  • relative experience and knowledge on how audio and visual systems work is necessary

Music Director:

POSITION SUMMARY: The music director is to plan, arrange and co-ordinate the music for the Annual Family Retreat and any other CAAA function where music is a requirement. The music coordinator shall ensure the music selected is of a Spiritual nature for the uplifting and edification of Christ.


  • responsible for sourcing special music, praise teams and musicians for the Annual Family Retreat
  • assists other chapters with the planning and execution of quality musical programs
  • prepares a budget for the various events that need financial assistance for approval by the Executive Committee
  • collaborates with the audio visual team to ensure equipment needed are available for performers at the Annual Family Retreat
  • ensures the lyrics for all congregation songs are available for the Annual Family Retreat


  • good organizational skills
  • negotiation skills
  • an appreciation of appropriate Spiritually uplifting music
  • ability to problem solve and do damage control as require.
  • works well under pressure

Children’s Program Director:

POSITION SUMMARY: The Children’s Program Director is to organize and oversee programs, and activities at the annual CAAA Family Camp that nurture the children and lead them into a loving relationship with Christ. Programs and activities, including Sabbath School Programs, should meet the Spiritual and social needs of the children.


  • coordinates all children’s activities for the Annual Family Retreat as identified by the Executive Committee
  • works collaboratively with the Sports Director to plan fun engaging children’s activities
  • coordinates, maintains and supports all CAAA volunteers working in children’s programs
  • purchases materials and supplies acording to approved budget.


  • detailed planner with great organization skills
  • passionate about working with children
  • ability to create and implement Bible based programming

Communications Director & Assistant Communication Director

POSITION SUMMARY: The communications director is to provide leadership, expertise and reporting in all areas of communication for CAAA, including promoting and maintaining CAAA on various social media platforms.  The communications director ensures the program booklet for the Annual Family Retreat is compiled and pictures are taken at various CAAA events, for publishing on social media. Communications to CAAA will be tracked and responded to in a timely manner. The assistant communications director will work collaboratively with the communications director to ensure the communication needs of CAAA are documented and reflected across all social media platforms, where appropriate.


  • ensures the website is user friendly
  • maintains and updates the website and other social media platforms as required
  • collects and disseminates all information for creation of the Annual Family Retreat booklet
  • coordinates the development of communication tools for various CAAA events
  • maintains email account for CAAA and forward emails to relevant Executive members
  • coordinates taking of pictures at CAAA events
  • coordinates announcements at Annual Family Retreat
  • collaborates with the Audio Visual team to ensure all media posts meets legal requirements.


  • has experience doing web design
  • understands Email Standards
  • great communicator
  • very organized
  • can multitask
  • works well with others

Sports/Social Director

POSITION SUMMARY: The sports/social director is to plan and organize activities that meet the Spiritual, physical and social needs of all participating members at the Annual Family Retreat and during the year as required.


  • plans, organizes, schedules and directs all games, facilities, officials and scorekeepers
  • actively researches new sports programs and activities targeted toward children, youth and adults, and implements where appropriate
  • integrates games and activities of cultural relevance
  • recruits volunteers to help organize activities
  • prepares and manages the approved program budget to ensure revenue and program service goals are achieved
  • maintains respect and a friendly Christian environment that caters to families and Christians


  • strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills
  • some awareness of age appropriate fitness abilities

Camp Director and Assistant Camp Directors

POSITION SUMMARY: The camp director is to prepare and care for the physical arrangements of the campsite for the Annual Family Retreat, and to ensure that the campsite is in order upon arrival and departure. The assistant camp directors are to work in collaboration with the camp director to ensure the effective running of the Annual Family Retreat. An assistant camp director may attend an Executive Committee meeting as appointed in the absence of the camp director.


  • assists in creating an atmosphere for smooth enjoyment and a Spirit filled weekend
  • sets up the dining room and auditorium and the lodge for weekend activities
  • ensures the cabins and lodge rooms are ready for assignment at the Annual Family Retreat
  • ensures bathrooms are maintained
  • secures the camp grounds by having designated staff patrol the area at key intervals
  • collects and disposes of garbage
  • ensures a strategy is in place to deal with emergencies that may arise
  • facilitates the collection and counting of the offering collected at the Annual Family Retreat
  • ensures the camp is restored to the original state at the end of the Annual Family Retreat


  • organizational skills
  • familiarity with health and safety requirements
  • ability to work well with others