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Operating Guidelines
The Caribbean Association of Adventists in Alberta (CAAA) aims to foster, maintain and promote the cultural characteristics of Caribbean people while adhering to the principles of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
We welcome people of all ethnicities and cultural backgrounds to our annual Family Retreat, as well as other activities hosted during the year, such as the Gospel concert and Business Extravaganza.
CAAA has evolved over the years and the Operating Guidelines (OG) identify the non-profit organization, its mandate and activities.
The OG gives structure to the organization and provides the procedures and guidelines by which the organization operates.
About Us
Volunteer Members
Volunteer members make up the Executive and meet for regular meetings to make decisions for programming, while adhering to the directives contained in the OG. Members of the Executive are representative of all three Chapters (North, Central, South) of the province. There has been an increase in the black population in Alberta which resulted in increased awareness and understanding of cultural diversity. Consequently, CAAA continues to foster and build relationships between people of Caribbean descent and mainstream society.
The CAAA annual family retreat which takes place on Labor Day weekend, is the main event of the organization.
It is an important yearly activity for many people across the province and beyond, including people of both Caribbean and non-Caribbean heritage. The event focuses and places a high value on the Spiritual edification of each participant, while attending to their social, physical, mental and emotional needs, in a relaxed, nature-based environment.
Upcoming Events

The CAAA Operating Guidelines was written to document statutory and program requirements, procedures and guidelines for the CAAA.
Links are provided within the electronic version of the OG. Opening the link will connect the reader to other related information that are pertinent to the purpose, structure, function and general operation of CAAA.
The content of the OG is as follows:
- Article 1 - Name
- Article 11 - Purpose
- Article 111 - Principal Location
- Article 1V - Membership
- Article V - Meetings
- Article V1 - Chapters
- Article V11 - Standing Committees
- Article V111 - Executive Committee
- Article 1X - Officers
- Article X - Finance
- Article X1 - Amendments
- Article X11 - Parliamentary Authority
- Article X1V - Dissolution
- Mission Statement of the Caribbean Association of Adventists in Alberta
View Full Guidelines